Monday, March 5, 2012

Goals for the year

I know it's already March, but better late than never...

  1. Finish the #%&@£¥! thesis (otherwise #3 to #6 below can't happen!)

  2. Complete all Elijah House modules (a prayer counselling course for Christians)

  3. Unpack everything & get the house organised (note to self: GIVE AWAY MORE BOOKS)

  4. Spruce up the design of my official, professional website (obviously not this one) & get it launched

  5. Go away alone for two or three days' holiday (preferably somewhere with a beach)

  6. Publish something for Kindle, on Smashwords, or both (I'm thinking a collection of short stories)

I think that's more than enough to go on with, don't you? It's all doable, though. #1 is on track, which makes me very happy, and I've started on #2. The rest will have to be accomplished in the third & fourth quarter of the year, but that's okay :)


Caedmon Michael said...

#1 is on track? Yay!

Lol... I read the title too quickly and thought these were your goals for March. I was getting a little worried about your sanity as I got to the bottom of the list!

Sunflower said...

Yup #1 is on track... thank God!

I think my sanity is already long gone, too late to worry about it :P

BP said...

Need help advertising the sale? I can write up something...

Sunflower said...

That would be cool, Alan, but are you sure you want to commit without reading it? What if you hate it? lol.

In any case, it's only going to happen probably towards the end of the year, so we'll see how then :)

BP said...

After all the bad stuff I've read, yours would be a relief. I have (some) faith in your skillz.

Sunflower said...

Very honoured by your demonstration of faith in my skillz :D We aim to please!