Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dumb phone or smart phone?

My cellphone is dying -- or at least the display is. I'm trying to decide if I should stick with a non-smartphone Nokia or go over to the Dark Side. Here's the dilemma:
  1. I'm pretty sure I don't need to have 24/7 access to the Internet. I don't want to spend extra on a monthly data plan. But having a smartphone without a data plan sounds a bit dumb too, like putting yourself under a handicap. In Mr TDH's words: "It's like buying a car without wheels!"

  2. If I were going to get a smartphone, I'd get the iPhone because I believe it's the best on the market right now. But it's HELLA EXPENSIVE. And I'm sure I don't really need all those features...

  3. ...which are nevertheless cool to have, and useful even -- some of them, at least. I like how you can easily back up data on the iPhone by syncing with iTunes, and how it organises SMSes so you can quickly find a past SMS you've received or sent, and I really like the quality of the iPhone camera, dammit.

I guess if I were to win the lottery tomorrow I wouldn't think twice -- I'd just get the iPhone. Of course, to win the lottery you actually have to BUY tickets...


BP said...

Dumb phone, if you're the type who can't remember or can't be bothered to learn all the features in a smartphone.

I don't even use maybe 75% of the features of my Nokia 3310.

Sunflower said...

I know I probably wouldn't use a lot of the features, but it's nice to have, for example, GPS/Google maps at your fingertips...

Caedmon Michael said...

I have an iPhone with data plan and use it online more than my computer. It's not a phone; it's a communications device. I use it for phone, text, email, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and RSS. It's awkward for some online forums, depending on how they are laid out, and I prefer a full screen and keyboard for large amounts of typing. The device is so intuitive if you do get it, you'll quickly have the hang of all it does and wonder why you didn't switch sooner. It's far easier to use than a typical "dumb phone."

The only question I would ask is if you really want/can spend the money. Don't spend money you don't have just to get a gadget (I have this habit, too), but if it's time to upgrade and you can afford it, I wouldn't hesitate.

Mr TDH said...

*waves hand* buy an iPhone you will

siehjin said...

don't be so sure the iPhone is the best... chenmay tried it and found it wanting. she says samsung is the way to go.

Sunflower said...

What was it that she didn't like about the iPhone? It uses the same OS my iPod Touch does; I find it responsive and user-friendly, and the retina screen is a big plus for reading stuff.